Welcome to MurzFeed!
Be a part of the biggest and self governing c(at)ommunity online. Tracks all RUMORS around Indo Tech about potential layoff, funding, M&A, new products, new features, partnerships, etc. Submitted by the biggest Indo Tech workers community, MurzFams.
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Get Your Voice Heard
With 300 DMs per day, Murz paws can't reply all on IG. But here, the community are here for you and top stories will get to murz socmed channels.
Govern by the Comunity
"MurzFams, Together, Stronk" as you all have the ability to moderate and decide which content should stay posted on MurzFeed.
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Feedbacks, suggestions for improvement
Your feedbacks, recommendations, ideas, or suggestions of improvement are very much appreciated. We will try to integrate it into Murzfeed. After all, this project is built just for MurzFam.